NOTICE is given that Hertfordshire County Council intends to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, to prohibit all vehicular traffic from using that length of B1368 High Street, Barkway from its junction with Ash Mill southwards to its junction with Gas Lane, a distance of approximately 108m (“the Road”), except for access.

An alternative route will be via B1368 (High Street/Cambridge Road/London Road/High Street), B1039 (Royston Road/Barkway Road), A10 (Barkway Street/London Road/Ermine Street/unnamed road/Buntingford Bypass), B1038 (Baldock Road/High Street/Hare Street Road/unnamed road) and B1368 (unnamed road/Biggin Hill/London Road) or B1368 (High Street/London Road/Cambridge Road/High Street/London Road/Biggin Hill/unnamed road), B1038 (unnamed road/Hare Street Road/High Street/Baldock Road), A10 (Buntingford Bypass/unnamed road/Ermine Street/London Road/Market Hill/Priory Lane), B1039 Barkway Street/Royston Road) and B1368 (High Street/London Road/ Cambridge Road/High Street).

The Order is needed because utility service works are proposed to be executed on or near the Road.

If the Order is made, it shall come into force on 29 January 2025 for a period of up to 18 months. However, the restrictions specified shall only take effect at the times indicated by signs on or near the Road.

A copy of the proposed Order may be inspected free of charge at County Hall, Hertford between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm (excluding weekends, bank and public holidays).

If you have any queries about the proposed Order, please contact Eileen O’Riordan tel. 0345 357 2407 at Affinity Water or Shannen Powers tel. 0300 123 4047 at Hertfordshire County Council.

Please see attached documents for details.


The Village Christmas Tree returns!

Bonfire Night 5th Nov

Site BK3 – Reserved Matters Application

A Reserved Matters Application has been submitted to North Herts District Council for the approval of reserved matters comprising details of the siting, design and external appearance of the development, and the landscaping of the site in respect of the approved outline planning permission ref: 18/01502/OP for the development of 140 dwellings and a new shop on the land between Royston Road and Cambridge Road, Barkway. Case Ref: 24/01883/RM

BK3 Drop in Session

Invites you to a
Site BK3 Reserved Matters
Planning Application
Drop-In Session
Being held in the Community Room
Barkway Recreation Ground Pavilion
12 noon to 3pm
The Redrow proposed plans will all be on display.
Parish Councillors will be on hand to try and answer any questions.
A leaflet will be available to take away to assist residents respond to the recent consultations received from North Herts Council regarding this development.


See the Attachments below for the documents associated with this proposed development.

Regulation 16 consultation

Consultation on Proposed Submission Neighbourhood Plan – Regulation 16

Barkway Parish Council and Nuthampstead Parish Meeting submitted their neighbourhood plan to North Hertfordshire District Council on 22 April 2024.

Consultation on the submitted neighbourhood plan took place between 10 May to 25 June 2024.

The plan sets out a vision for the parishes and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications within the parishes.

All of the comments and representations are available to view on the North Herts Council website through our online consultation portal.

North Herts Council will now work with the Parish Council to appoint an independent examiner. The independent examiner will consider whether the proposed neighbourhood plan meets the basic conditions and other requirements set out by law. More information about the basic conditions is set out in the North Herts Council Planning Practice Guidance.


Any representation may include a request to be notified regarding North Herts Council’s decision under Regulation 19 (making a plan) to make the submitted neighbourhood plan for Barkway and Nuthampstead.

There is currently a consultation being run by North Herts Council

North Herts Council Community Governance Review – Have your say on our parishes

(Currently this is on the front page of the North Herts Council website – where there is a link to complete the survey – the survey closes on 7th October 2024.)


Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting 30th July – 19:30, to discuss BK3.

To review the news of the sale of site BK3 to Redrow and prepare a draft list of conditions to request to be applied to any Full Planning Application to be granted that will help to mitigate the effect on the village of the development during and after the period of the build

Nuthampstead Defibrillator Demonstration 22nd July

Dear All

At long last I am pleased to announce that our defibrillator has been installed, registered with the emergency services and is ready for when it is needed. It is on the outside wall of The Woodman Inn to the right of the emergency exit facing Rayments Lane and is lit 24 hours a day.

The installation costs have been covered by a grant from Herts CC however, the initial capital cost of £750 and all future maintenance is down to us.

On Monday 22 July at 7pm we have been lucky to secure the services of a member of the Essex and Herts Air Ambulance Service to demonstrate the use of the defibrillator to us so that we know what to do when such an emergency arises. The demonstration will be at The Woodman Inn and I would encourage you to arrive slightly early in order that you have time to order a drink and be ready for the talk.

We are also taking the opportunity during the evening to raise funding to cover both the original cost and the ongoing maintenance.

We are, therefore,  asking for donations which can be either paid in cash or by credit card at The Woodman Inn. The pub has set up an account for us to receive the donations in the form of a loyalty card. You can also donate your points when eating and drinking at the pub.

Given that this is a significant acquisition for the use of everyone in the village, it would be great to see as many of you as possible on the 22nd when we can take advantage of receiving the necessary instructions for the use of the machine.

Should you wish to contribute, and you are not able to attend please either call into The Woodman Inn to donate or let me know and we can make the necessary arrangements.

I look forward to seeing you.


Geoff Hodge

Clerk to Nuthampstead Parish Meeting

Royston Health and Wellbeing Event, Sun 14th July

There is a Health and Wellbeing event to be held this Sunday 14th July, at the Royston Health Centre.

For details, click the attachments link below…


Annual Governance and Accountability Returns…

The Annual Governance and Accountability Returns are now available.

These can be viewed or downloaded by following this link:-

Annual Governance and Accountability Returns – Barkway Parish Council