St Mary Magdalene Church Barkway

St Mary Magdalene Church in Barkway is part of a small rural benefice covering an area that includes Barkway, Barley, Reed, Buckland, Chipping, Nuthampstead and Newsells. Our three active churches are in Barkway, Barley and Reed; there is a redundant church is Buckland, where occasional services are held.

As Christians, we seek to worship God and live out our faith in our communities and beyond, in word and action, through loving God and loving our neighbour.

We would very much like to welcome you to join us for worship or for any other activities in the benefice.

The church is also fortunate to have a separate charity know as The Friends of Barkway Church who fund raise in order to pay for repairs to the church and churchyard.

For further details about the Church, including service times, click on the link: