Barkway Parish Council in partnership with Nuthampstead Meeting (The Partnership) have agreed to resurrect the stalled Neighbourhood Plan (NP) process.

At a time where it very much looks like the NHDC Local Plan will include site BK3,  and bring an additional 140 homes to the village, it is prudent for us to develop our Neighbourhood Plan which will define how we wish to see our community evolve as we welcome new residents that will swell our numbers.

Our previous attempts to produce a NP were unsuccessful, mainly because the guidelines for a NP kept changing, but also because, NHDC did not have a Local Plan.  Now with the Submission Local  Plan about to go to final consultation in the new year, the time is right for us to create OUR PLAN.

The Partnership has agreed to form an Interim Neighbourhood Plan Committee, and we have engaged the support and expertise of GovResources, (Planning Consultants) to steer us through the process.  A lot of the work has already been done with the good work done by the Partnership in the local survey conducted as part of our initial attempt at a plan.

GovResources will steer us through what needs to be done now to finalise the plan, and get it accepted by NHDC.
The process will be financed through grant applications, the process for which we are starting immediately. It will be cost neutral to the community.

Neighbourhood plans in summary can be used to:

  • Develop a shared vision for your community.
  • Choose where new homes, shops, and other development should be built.
  • Identify and protect important local green spaces.
  • Influence what new buildings should look like.

A Neighbourhood Plan will not stop BK3, but it is our community’s ability to influence the planning in our area and if we are expeditious, it could enable us to influence the manner in which BK3 is developed.

It is essential however that the Plan reflects what the Community want,  so with that in mind the Interim Committee wish to extend an invitation to anyone minded to join them and be involved, to register their interest.

We are therefore appealing for anyone who would like to offer to join the Committee initially which will steer the plan, but we would also welcome any interest from people who might not be able to offer their time on the Committee but might be involved in a lesser but equally important way.

We need your involvement to develop the plan and to produce it. Anyone can be involved from someone willing to take photos, design a logo, help put together the plan with graphics and design, writing introductions, people with local knowledge of our buildings and assets, help distribute leaflets etc.

We plan to hold a public meeting in February to allow GovResources to present Neighbourhood Plans and their importance to our Community, and to enlist anyone who can offer to help in the process.

Anyone who feels they are willing to help deliver a shared vision for our joint communities is kindly requested to contact the Parish Clerk. Tel: 01763 849671 or Email:

The Neighbourhood Plan will be YOUR plan for the future,  are you willing to help influence it

Barkway and Nuthampstead Neighbourhood Plan
Click here for the Neighbour plan. Paper copies will also be available shortly.

Barkway Parish Council produced a Parish Plan in 2010. This was a comprehensive document and its proposals and recommendations were based on the results of a broad village questionnaire. Many proposals have been implemented eg. The Barkway Forum; actions to reduce speeding in the village; and several others. The Plan is a living document and, as such, needs to be reviewed and updated regularly. .

Click here to view a copy of the current plan

North Hertfordshire District Council – Draft Local Plan 2011-2031
Position at 13 November 2014
At the Full Council meeting on 27 November 2014 the Council will be asked to approve for consultation purposes the Local Plan Preferred Options paper.
Subject to Council approval the documents will be open for public comment between 18 December 2014 and 6 February 2015.
For further details click here

To complete the survey, please click on the link below