Barkway Parish Council is consulted on planning applications and considers the planning applications that have been submitted and makes its recommendations to North Herts District Council. The public is welcome to attend Parish Council meetings and make their views known on planning applications. Full details of any planning applications submitted can be viewed by arrangement with the Parish Clerk or by clicking here

Click on the case Ref No will take you to the NHDC website

Meeting DateNoComments byLocationDescription
19/02985/FPComments to be submitted to NHDC by 12th January 2020.Langham, Church Lane, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EJFull Planning Permission : Erection of one detached 3-bed dwelling.
19/03011/FPHAny person who wishes to make representations about the proposal should submit them on-line at or in writing to Planning Control, North Hertfordshire District Council at PO Box 10613, NG6 6DW quoting the above case reference number by 5th February 202017 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EAFull Permission Householder : Erection of rear chimney, alteration to ground floor rear fenestration, and erection of side boundary fence following demolition of existing rear chimney
19/02910/LBCComments on these applications to be submitted to NHDC by 12th February 2020.81 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EDListed Building Consent : Creation of link between main house and former bathhouse outbuilding following removal of existing structure.
19/02899/FPHComments on these applications to be submitted to NHDC by 12th February 2020.81 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EDFull Permission Householder : Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory. Creation of link between main house and former bathhouse outbuilding following removal of existing structure and replace existing front gates with disabled access door.
20/00144/LBCComments to be submitted to NHDC by 21st February 2020.35 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EAListed Building Consent : Single-storey rear lean-to extension together with internal and external alterations
20/00328/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 7th March 2020.77 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EDFull Permission Householder : Erection of garden shed to rear
20/00516/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 29th March 2020Pinehurst, Royston Road, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8BUFull Permission Householder : First floor side extension, front porch extension and erection of detached garage (as a variation of Planning permission 19/01138/FPH granted on 09.07.2019)
20/00328/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 28th March 202077 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EDFull Permission Householder : Erection of garden shed to rear (as amended by site plan received 27/02/20)
20/00627/S73Comments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 16th April 2020Tally Ho, London Road, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EXSection 73 Application : Two storey rear extension to provide enlarged kitchen and ground floor and additional residential accommodation on first floor (Section 73 application to vary condition 3 of permission granted under ref 05/00469/1 to allow ancillary residential accommodation for the public house but not for any additional operational floor space in connection with the public house).
20/00635/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 12th April 202075 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EBFull Permission Householder : Erection of detached garage and store.
20/00610/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 11th April 2020The Old Vicarage, Church Lane, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EJFull Permission Householder : Conversion of first floor of detached outbuilding into a self-contained annex.
20/00474/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 3rd April 2020Mews Cottage, 150 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EGFull Permission Householder : Single storey side and two storey front extensions.
20/00731/FPComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 26th April17 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EAFull Planning Permission : Erection of games room, workshop and storage building following demolition of existing store and stable building.
19/01700/FPComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 8th May 2020Land Rear of 9 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EAFull Planning Permission : Remove single storey lean-to to front elevation. Replace existing roof with steeper pitched roof. Single-storey rear extension with accommodation in roof space. All to facilitate conversion to a 2-bed dwellinghouse.
19/01701/LBCComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 8th May 2020Land Rear of 9 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EAListed Building Consent : Remove single storey lean-to to front elevation. Replace existing roof with steeper pitched roof. Single-storey rear extension with accommodation in roof space. Internal and external alterations. All to facilitate conversion to a 2-bed dwellinghouse.
20/00768/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 8th May 202071a High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EBFull Permission Householder : To replace timber windows and doors with wood grained white UPVC
20/00874/FPComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 20th May 2020Barkway First School, 84 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EFFull Planning Permission : Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing single storey rear element.
20/00856/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 15th May 2020The Old Vicarage, Church Lane, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EJFull Permission Householder : Single storey rear infill extension
20/00947/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 5th June 2020Grove House, Highfield Grove, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8DWFull Permission Householder : Installation of bi-fold doors to east elevation of existing detached car port and retention of replacement rear detached shed.
20/00927/FPHComments to be submitted to NHDC by 28th June 202017 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EAFull Permission Householder : Enlargement of existing central rear dormer window and replacement of existing pantiles over existing left hand side of front elevation.
APP/X1925/W/20/3253199Additional comments on this application to be submitted to The Inspectorate by 28th August 2020Land South of Willow Tree Farm, London Road, Barkway, Hertfordshire.Description: Erection of one detached 3-bed single storey dwelling and cycle/store building following demolition of existing barn building.
20/01443/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 14th August 2020The Byre, Quinbury Lane, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EQFull Permission Householder : Change fenestration on north and east elevations.
20/01808/FPComments to be submitted to NHDC by 12th September 2020The Old Vicarage, Church Lane, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EJFull Planning Permission : Change of Use of paddock land to facilitate tennis court and surrounding fence.
20/01866/FPComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 27th September 2020.Tally Ho, London Road, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EXFull Planning Permission : Change of use of land north of the public house building to residential garden and parking area to serve the ancillary residential dwelling. Erection of detached double garage/store and creation of vehicular access off the High Street.
20/00275/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 15th October 2020.Barkway House, 66 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EEFull Permission Householder : Single storey side extension to main dwelling and single storey extension to existing garage outbuilding to create new double garage with archway link, and ancillary works (as amended).
20/02779/FPComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 23rd December 2020.Land at, Windmill Close, Barkway, Hertfordshire.Full Planning Permission : Erection of 24 dwellings and associated access roads.
20/02778/S73Comments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 23rd December 2020New Farm, The Joint, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8DUSection 73 Application : Proposed extension to the existing agricultural building including new grain dryer facilities with associated works including hard standing (Section 73 application variation of condition 9 of planning permission 17/01925/1 granted 11.12.2017).
20/02956/FPComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 8th January 202044 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EEFull Planning Permission : Erection of one detached 3-bed bungalow following removal of existing stables and outbuildings.
20/02977/FPComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 8th January 202017 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EAFull Planning Permission : Extension to holiday let accommodation to create gym/leisure room and erection of detached workshop/maintenance/stable building following demolition of existing store and stable buildings.
21/00043/FPH106 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EG​Full Permission Householder : Reduction of ground level in rear garden to facilitate the installation of seating area and fire pit.
21/00551/FPH144 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EG​Full Permission Householder : Replace all of the existing wood cladding with fibre cement cladding
21/00643/FPH67 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EB.Full Permission Householder : Single storey rear extension
21/00618/FPH12 Townsend Close, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ER.Full Permission Householder : Single storey side extension following demolition of existing detached side elevation garage
21/01012/FPH21 Royston Road, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8BU.Full Permission Householder : Retention of single storey rear extension
21/01114/FPHComments to be submitted to NHDC by 12th May 202187-89 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ED​Full Permission Householder : Erection of rear elevation conservatory following demolition of existing rear elevation conservatory
21/01722/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 8 July 20217 The Penns, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8DH​Full Permission Householder : Erection of front elevation porch and two storey side extension
21/01766/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 8 July 202177A High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ED​Full Permission Householder : Replace existing front, side and rear elevation windows with uPVC double glazing, and replace existing rear elevation French doors with aluminium bi-fold doors
21/01627/FPHComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 27 June 20214 Millcroft Court, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8FB​Full Permission Householder : Insertion of garage door to existing car port for security reasons
21/01359/FPComments on this application to be submitted to NHDC by 24 July 2021Land Off, Buckland Road, Barkway, Hertfordshire.Full Planning Permission : Erection of single storey building to house a hydrotherapy pool, water treadmill and treatment room for small animals.
20/02779/FPLand at, Windmill Close, Barkway, HertfordshireFull Planning Permission : Erection of 24 dwellings and associated access roads. 2.0m wide pedestrian footpath link to the public open space to the south of Plots 15 and 16 and additional landscape planting between the parking bays and the public open space in the same area of the site (as amended by plans received on 21 July 2021).
21/02270/FPH116 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EGFull Permission Householder : Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear shed.
21/01846/FPH9 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EA​Full Permission Householder : Single storey rear extension.
21/01787/LBC9 High Street, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8EAListed Building Consent : Single storey rear extension.
21/02431/FPH3 Townsend Close, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8ERFull Permission Householder : Two storey side extension.
21/02481/LBCFox Cottage, Newsells Village Road, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8DEListed Building Consent : Following water damage, strip tiles and insulation from existing roof, repair/replace frame members before re-tiling and re-insulating.
21/03375/FPHThe Pump House, Newsells Village Road, Barkway, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 8DEFull Permission Householder : Installation of detached swimming pool.