Regulation 16 consultation
Consultation on Proposed Submission Neighbourhood Plan – Regulation 16
Barkway Parish Council and Nuthampstead Parish Meeting submitted their neighbourhood plan to North Hertfordshire District Council on 22 April 2024.
Consultation on the submitted neighbourhood plan took place between 10 May to 25 June 2024.
The plan sets out a vision for the parishes and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications within the parishes.
All of the comments and representations are available to view on the North Herts Council website through our online consultation portal.
North Herts Council will now work with the Parish Council to appoint an independent examiner. The independent examiner will consider whether the proposed neighbourhood plan meets the basic conditions and other requirements set out by law. More information about the basic conditions is set out in the North Herts Council Planning Practice Guidance.
Any representation may include a request to be notified regarding North Herts Council’s decision under Regulation 19 (making a plan) to make the submitted neighbourhood plan for Barkway and Nuthampstead.
There is currently a consultation being run by North Herts Council
North Herts Council Community Governance Review – Have your say on our parishes
(Currently this is on the front page of the North Herts Council website – where there is a link to complete the survey – the survey closes on 7th October 2024.)